Coaching with Sid

Mastering Time: The Paradox of Cultivating Presence in a Productivity-Driven World.

sent by Siddharth Anantharam | March 7, 2024

sent by Siddharth Anantharam
March 7, 2024

Here are 3 practices to help you build a better relationship with time.

1. Observe your current relationship with time.

All these signal a negative and limited relationship with time which always keeps you in a state of hurry. 

Once I started observing these instances with more awareness, I started realizing that time wasn’t really limited – but because I believed it to be true, I unconsciously created a scenario where I have to rush and squeeze in the time. It’s almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy that is out there to crush me.

Here are a few new beliefs/words that have helped me shift my relationship with time.

“I always have enough time for what’s important to me”

“I respect time, so time respects me.

“I am always on time or early”

“I will create time to get this done”

“I am a master of time

2. Create space to shift your perception of time.

When you create more space in your life, you also change your perception of time.

When you consciously create spaces where you slow down, you notice that time is not quantitative but qualitative.

No two people are having the same experience of time. 24 hours for me is not the same as 24 hours for you. 

Put another way, time is not the same from one situation to another, nor from one perspective to another. 

Here are a few experiences that create space for me to experience time differently:

  1. My morning runs
  2. Walking or climbing in nature
  3. Mediation practices
  4. Breathwork practices
  5. An amazing conversation with someone

To shift your perception of time, you need to create space to experience it consciously.

What about you? Which experiences in your life or business help you experience time differently?

3. Bend Time

Have you noticed how time seems to slow down completely when we are doing something that we absolutely love or are completely immersed in?

The Greeks had two words for time: kairos and Chronos.

Chronos is quantitative or sequential time. It passes whether you are conscious or not. It’s focused on productivity. It will pass by.

Kairos is qualitative or flexible time. It can only be experienced when you are so deeply absorbed in the moment, that you are in full flow. It’s focused on presence. It is when you can tap into high levels of being, connection, and inspiration.

1. Energy Alignment

Pay attention to your energy levels throughout the day and align your tasks accordingly. Engage in creative, high-energy tasks during your peak energy times and more mundane tasks when your energy dips. This alignment allows you to ride the natural waves of your energy, making time feel more expansive.

2. Engage Fully

Whatever task or activity you’re involved in, give it your full attention. Let go of multitasking. When you’re fully engaged, time begins to warp, allowing you to dive deeper into your experience, enhancing both creativity and satisfaction.

3. Reflective Pauses

Build short pauses into your day to reflect. After completing a task or experiencing a meaningful interaction, take a moment to reflect on what occurred, what you learned, and how it made you feel. These pauses can help consolidate learning and deepen your connection to time.

4. Mindful Presence

Begin by grounding yourself in the present moment. This could be as simple as taking a few deep breaths, feeling the air fill your lungs, and becoming aware of your surroundings. Mindfulness practices help you anchor in the ‘now’, enabling Kairos to unfold.

5. Flow State Activation

Identify activities that naturally induce a state of flow for you—where skills meet challenge, and you lose yourself in the engagement. It might be writing, painting, solving complex problems, or engaging in a sport. Structure your day to include these flow activities, and watch as your perception of time expands.

“Wherever you are, be all there,” — Jim Elliott

It’s in the full immersion of our being in the now that we find the depth, joy, and fulfillment that productivity-based time cannot offer. 

Now, I turn the floor to you. 

How do you relate to time in your daily life? Have you had moments where time seemed to stand still because you were so engrossed in the moment?

What would your day or week look like if you focused more on being PRESENT vs being PRODUCTIVE?

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