Stop focusing on quick fixes – here’s why transformational coaching is the key to your long-term success as a coach.
Do you know what separates the world’s most successful coaches from the rest? They consistently look at their coaching conversations as a space for TRANSFORMATION, and not a TRANSACTION.
In this newsletter, I’m going to share the 3 key SHIFTS that will help you make your coaching more TRANSFORMATIONAL instead of transactional.
As a coach, creating long-lasting transformation and not just quick fix changes for your clients helps you drive exponential value and charge exponentially higher than most others.
It lowers your client’s frustrations, and disappointments and creates a higher number of referrals for you as a coach.
Unfortunately, the word transformation is too loosely used and understood in coaching circles today. And the words “change” and “transformation” are often used interchangeably, but here’s the truth,
All transformation is change but NOT all change is transformation.
We make changes all the time to the way we look, think, feel and act, often intentionally to communicate better, manage our emotions or be a better friend or partner. We might have grown and changed, but the question is have we necessarily transformed?
So, the key question to explore here is, “In transformation, what is really transforming?”
The simple answer is the concept of SELF – the mental image of who your client believes they are in terms of their values, beliefs, strengths and experiences. It’s their inner operating system that you shine a light on and help shift.
- Transactional coaching is an an OUTSIDE-IN approach that scratches the surface to create short term change.
- Transformational Coaching is an INSIDE-OUT approach that digs deeper to spark long term transformation.
As a coach, focusing on these 3 SHIFTS helps you drive consistent transformation for your clients.